LaCati Custom Homes

Custom Homes in West Michigan

LaCati Custom Homes

LaCati Group has built multiple custom homes in the Grand Rapids market.  Our mission is to build homes that exceed our customers expectations of unparalleled quality and craftsmanship.  LaCati brings a unique dimension to custom home building – artisan craftsmanship and the ability to transition our customers to another home or apartment during the build process.

Lacati Custom Homes

How We’re Different

  • We are not just a REALTOR. We are not just a Developer/Owner/Manager. We are not just a Builder.  We are all the above. It makes a huge difference in the value that we provide to our clients and customers.
  • We understand both the luxury multi-family market and the residential home market.
  • We have owned and managed our investments or over 20 years in West Michigan. We are local, this is the difference in our service and quality.
  • We specialize in Transitional Living, putting your mind at ease and making the transition to or from your next quality home.

How We’re Different

  • We are not just a REALTOR. We are not just a Developer/Owner/Manager. We are not just a Builder.  We are all the above. It makes a huge difference in the value that we provide to our clients and customers.
  • We understand both the luxury multi-family market and the residential home market.
  • We have owned and managed our investments or over 20 years in West Michigan. We are local, this is the difference in our service and quality.
  • We specialize in Transitional Living, putting your mind at ease and making the transition to or from your next quality home.

Custom Home Photos

Lacati custom homes

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